Dress Code

We believe students need to dress differently for varying occasions and environments. Students are expected to come to school as neat and clean as possible. Student dress should be appropriate and safe — clothing should cover the “core” and any undergarments (from shoulders to thigh), yet head and eyes should be visible in the building

  • Hats, hoods, and head coverings are not be worn in the school building

  • Tops need to cover mid-drifts and undergarments

  • Lower body garments must cover the bottom and be visible beneath long tops

  • Clothing with inappropriate or suggestive words, slogans, symbols, or images are not permitted.

Students will be asked to change into school-provided clothing or call home for a change of clothing if in violation of this policy. (Determined in accordance Weld RE-4 School Board Policy -JICA)

As partners in your child’s education, we would appreciate your support with this policy. Please let us know if you have any questions.